Friday, March 3, 2017

Literatrure Review # 2

- The State of Mental Health on College Campuses: A Growing Crisis. It is a website, so a photo of the article is unavailable. Attached is a photo of the American Psychological Association logo, of which the article was taken from. 

- The State of Mental Health on Growing Campuses: A Growing Crisis." Education Government Relations Office, n.d. Web. 14 Feb. 2017. <>.

I chose this article because I feel these are the most reliable statistics I could find to open up my argument. The article touches on the fact that the demand within mental health, on campus counseling has risen drastically. Not only has depression and anxiety gone up severely, but other issues like eating disorders, NSSI, and alcohol abuse. While APA and congress have implemented prevention programs, it is only tackling some of the problems. Overall, there needs to be stronger on campus mental support for students because the demand is only growing stronger.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
- There is no individual author, it was published by the APA based off of an article written by the NY times. The APA was founded in 1892, and is currently 115, 700 members deep with 54 subdivisions of psychology fields. Their goal is expanding psychology's role in advancing health and increasing recognition of psychology as a science.                                                                                                     

- terms: depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, alcohol abuse, eating disorders, and self injury; programs and support. These terms all embody the goal of the article to address the sharp concerns, and how important it truly is to have mental support on campus to ensure that students live a healthy, educational life.                                                                                                                                           
- My first quote highlights my argument that this upward trend has been within the last 10 years. "The article brought to attention an alarming and growing trend that began in the early to mid 1990s. At that time, university and college counseling centers noticed a shift in the needs of students seeking counseling services from more developmental and informational needs, to more severe psychological problems." My second quote, I think is one that I will use in my project to support my point. It explains just how valuable mental support is to everyone, not just the individual. "Research clearly shows just how much strong mental and behavioral support helps can improve student life. Without the proper psychological services, students with emotional and behavioral problems have the potential to effect many other people on campus, including roommates, classmates, faculty and staff with disruptive or even dangerous behavior." 3. In the last paragraph, the APA explains how funding will change to help expand programs to reach all students.  "The re authorization of includes changes to the Campus Suicide Prevention Program that will allow for more flexibility in the uses of funds to enable grantees to best meet the needs of students that live on their campuses."     
- I value this article a lot for the statistics. I saved them for this part so I can emphasize how important they are for the article. A direct quote from the article states: "In the past decade this shift has not only solidified, it has reached increasingly higher levels. In the 2010 National Survey of Counseling Center Directors, respondents reported that 44 percent of their clients had severe psychological problems, a sharp increase from 16 percent in 2000. The most common of these disorders are depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, alcohol abuse, eating disorders, and self-injury. In a 2010 survey of students by the American College Health Association, 45.6 percent of students surveyed reported feeling that things were hopeless and 30.7 percent reported feeling so depressed that it was difficult to function during the past 12 months.." These statistics are very important for my descriptions of the sudden rise and can bring me in to an investigation of why this is happening. These stats give me reason to investigate. 

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